Sunday, February 21, 2010

Penta Energetica

Energy policies so far do not deliver enough results. Trias Energetica policies – save energy, use sustainable energy, process fossils as efficient as possible – fail to deliver enough effect timely. Energy use increases, sustainable energies hardly manage to match that growth and efficiency increases are slow and little. Its open ended nature without a maximum and its solo technical nature are fundamental shortfalls of the Trias Energetica. 

The Penta Energetica Principles can be applied to any region, but are best applied to urban area’s with sufficient size (more than 5-10 million inhabitants) and diversity of energy functions (industry, ports, transport, housing) as to facilitate energy integration best. Apply to such area the following steps: 

1. Accept a long term sustainable CO2 per capita max., e.g. 4 ton CO2/capita per year

Then fulfil the current energy need with technologies realisable between now and 2020, by:

2. Use the maximum sustainable energy sources (wind, sun, geo, tidal, etc.);
3. Use fossils as efficient as possible for both old (gas, oil, coal) and new (biomass) fuels,
by best available conversion technology, CHP, DHDC, etc. until the CO2 cap is reached;
4. Save energy to stay under CO2 cap, both freely, with economic incentives and mandatory; 
5. Innovate and redesign to a Low Carbon/High Quality life style and economy, under strong carbon restrictions. ICT, novel transports, adaptation of travel and life style elements will play important roles, next to improvements of energy use in industry and utilities.

These analysis, further information and presentations of Penta Energetica can be found here.